Set up custom events for your Connections

Converge allows you to leverage custom events in all of your Connections.

  1. Navigate to the Connections Tab in your Converge dashboard
  2. Click on the Connection for which you want to send a custom event.
  3. Click on the Configuration tab and on the Advanced-subtab and scroll down to Custom Events.
  4. Click on Edit configuration to add a custom event mapping.
  5. Pick the Custom Event you want to forward and then fill in the name you want to forward it as.
    E.g. in the screenshot below, we are forwarding a Lead event, every time a Subscribed To List event triggers in Converge

    set up custom event

  6. Press Save once you are happy with the configuration.
  7. Use the Connection Log to monitor that your event is being forwarded correctly.
    It may take up to 10 minutes for your configuration to take effect. Clearing your browser’s cache may help with using the latest configuration during testing.


Some destinations do not accept server-side events, so you should always verify this in the specific Connection Integration documentation.

If you want to forward a particular custom event to these destinations, you should set up your custom event client-side instead.