
By proxying requests to Converge through your own domain, Converge is no longer treated as a third-party script. This has the following advantages:

  • First-party cookies When Converge runs on your main domain, we automatically set a first-party cookie. First-party cookies are not restricted by browser privacy features like ITP. They are longer-lasting, allowing you to track longer user journeys.
  • Bypassing ad blockers Converge’s domain is not yet blocked by ad blockers, but this future-proofs your implementation. Ensure that all browser data arrives at Converge.

Installation Instructions

There are two parts to proxying requests to Converge:

  • Hosting the script on your own domain By proxying requests to https://static.runconverge.com/pixels/*.js the Converge script is loaded through your domain.
  • Proxying the tracking requests By proxying requests to https://app.runconverge.com/api/tr/* the tracking requests are sent through your domain.

Ensure that the proxy sets the X-Forwarded-For header to the original IP address of the request.

To let Converge know your proxied domain, update your Converge pixel snippet as follows:


Update the src of the Converge script to point to your domain. Replace xxxxxx with your Converge pixel public token.

<script src="https://yourdomain.com/cvg/static/pixels/xxxxxx.js" async></script>

Include the set_endpoint call to configure your proxied endpoint.

cvg({method: 'set_endpoint', endpoint: 'https://yourdomain.com/cvg'})

This should happen before any tracking calls.

This would yield the following updated snippet:

<script src="https://yourdomain.com/cvg/static/pixels/xxxxxx.js" async></script>
cvg({method: 'set_endpoint', endpoint: 'https://yourdomain.com/cvg'})

Setting up a proxy through Vercel rewrites

If your site is hosted on Vercel, you can use the vercel.json configuration file to easily set up a proxy to Converge. Replace xxxxxx with your Converge pixel public token.

  "rewrites": [
      "source": "/cvg/xxxxxx.js",
      "destination": "https://static.runconverge.com/pixels/xxxxxx.js"
      "source": "/cvg/:method",
      "has": [
        { "type": "query", "key": "public_token", "value": "xxxxxx" }
      "destination": "https://app.runconverge.com/api/tr/:method"

Update your Converge pixel snippet to the following:

<script src="/cvg/xxxxxx.js" async></script>
cvg({method: 'set_endpoint', endpoint: '/cvg'})

After deploying the changes, verify that

  • the xxxxxx.js script loads from your own domain
  • tracking requests to /tr/* are proxied through your domain
  • the response headers from the /tr/track call include the Set-Cookie header which sets a __cvg_1p_uid cookie