
Converge provides the following tools to monitor and debug whether your Connections are correctly set up.

Connection Logs

Converge stores detailed logs of every event that gets sent to Converge including event properties, profile properties and aliases.

Forwarding Status

Every event that gets processed by the Connection gets a forwarding status. This status gives you insight as to how the Connection processed this data.

SuccessThe event was correctly received by the destination
FailureThe event failed to be delivered, read the log detail for more information
RetryThe event is being retried (until Success or Failure)
FilteredThe event was processed by the Connection and filtered out (i.e. it has not been sent to the destination) based on one of the Connection Filters
ExternalAn event was fired to this destination that was not triggered by Converge
If you see a bunch of events with an External status, this means that another tracking source is still active and should likely be turned off
SkippedAn event was processed by the Connection and skipped by the Connection to adhere to the Destination Specification
This status usually occurs when Converge processes both browser-side and server-side events but the Destination does not accept server-side events or cannot effectively deduplicate events from two sources.
No consentThe server-side event was not forwarded because the visitor has not given consent for the connection consent category.