Installation Instructions

Post-Purchase Upsells

Many Shopify stores use post-purchase upsells such as Zipify

. After placing an order, the customer will be prompted to add a new item to the order.

If the customer accepts the upsell, the original order will be modified by the upsell app. For this reason, the only way to track these post-purchase upsells reliably is server-side (as the order is modified server-side).

The Shopify Server Integration supports upsell tracking by introducing an optional delay in the integration settings. If you turn on this delay, Converge will wait 10 minutes for the upsell to come in before forwarding it to destinations.

You can turn this option on in the configuration of the integration:

upsell app intro

This will only work with Connections that support server-side events. Client-side connections will not track the upsell.

Event Spec

This integration auto-tracks the following events on the server with all properties available according to the Converge Event Spec.

Event NameEvent Description
Placed OrderWhen a customer places an order.