Installation Instructions

Note for Single-page applications

If you are using a single-page application, you should hook the $page_load tracking call above into your router to re-fire the event.

Cross-domain tracking

Converge supports cross-domain tracking out-of-the-box. To enable cross-domain tracking from to, include the following method together with the basic Converge pixel snippet.

Note that you do not need this snippet for tracking across subdomains. i.e. if the pixel snippet is installed on and on, the sessions should be stitched across both domains automatically.
cvg({ method: "link_domain", domain: "" });
If the redirect to does not happen directly through a link click, but for example through JS code, the parameter won’t be added. So it is important to always test whether the __cvg_uid parameter is present on the new URL.

Manually instrumenting events

If the pre-built website integrations do not cover the entire Converge Event Spec; or if you want to add custom events from your website then you will need to manually instrument these using the Converge Pixel. You can use the track method in the Converge Pixel for this purpose.

As a general rule, you should always aim to pass as many properties, profileProperties and aliases as possible

The track method has the following parameters:

  • eventName: The name of the event
  • properties: The event properties you want to pass, covering the Converge Spec and possibly your own custom properties.
  • profileProperties: The profile properties
  • aliases: Any aliases
You can find Converge JS examples for the entire Converge Spec here

Event Spec

This integration auto-tracks the following events with all properties available according to the Converge Event Spec.

Event NameEvent Description
$page_loadWhen a customer views a page.