The Shopify Website Integration consists of two integrations covering the full tracking spec.

  1. The Shopify Storefront Integration
  2. The Shopify Checkout Integration

Installation Instructions

The installation process of Converge is slightly different based on whether you have a Shopify Liquid storefront; or whether you are running a Shopify Headless Storefront.

The Converge Website installation for a Shopify Liquid store consists of:


Event Spec

This integration auto-tracks the following events on the browser with all properties available according to the Converge Event Spec.

Event NameEvent DescriptionIntegration
PageViewWhen a customer views a page.Storefront
Viewed ProductWhen a customer views a product.Storefront
Viewed CollectionWhen a customer views a collection of products.Storefront
Added To CartWhen a customer adds an item to cartCheckout
Started CheckoutWhen a customer initiates the checkout process.Checkout
Added Payment InfoWhen a customer adds their payment info on the checkout.Checkout
Subscribed To NewsletterWhen a customer subscribes to your newsletter.Checkout
Placed OrderWhen a customer places an order.Checkout

This integration also auto-tracks some additional events that are not part of the Converge Event Spec.

Event NameEvent DescriptionIntegration
Added Contact InfoWhen a customer fills in the contact information in the checkoutCheckout
Added Shipping InfoWhen a customer fills in their shipping info in the checkoutCheckout

Utility Object

Note that this utility object is not available on the Shopify Checkout.

Converge exposes a utility object called __cvg_shopify_info that picks up useful event properties and profile properties automatically.

We give an example below of requesting this object and what it looks like in the code example below.