The Magento Website Integration consists of a Magento module that tracks your storefront and checkout events.

Installation Instructions

The Converge Website installation for a Magento store consists of:


Create a new Client Source in Converge

  1. In Converge, click on Create a new source
  2. Pick Client-side from the modal
  3. Name your pixel: e.g. {Storename} Storefront

Install the Magento Plugin

  1. Add the Converge repository to your Magento 2 project’s composer.json file:

    composer config repositories.repo-name vcs
  2. Run the following command to install the Converge Magento 2 module:

    composer require run-converge/converge-magento2:0.1.4
  3. Enable the Converge module using the Magento CLI:

    bin/magento module:enable Converge_Converge
  4. Upgrade your Magento setup to ensure the Converge module is integrated properly:

    bin/magento setup:upgrade
  5. Deploy static content to your Magento store for the Converge module:

    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Configure the Converge Magento Plugin with your public token

  1. In the Converge web app, click on the source you created in Step 1 and copy the Public Token. The code consists of 6 characters and can be retrieved from the HTML snippet. If your script src looks like, then your public token is AYU51m.
  2. Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Converge > Converge and add the public token you just retrieved.

Verify that the integration is working correctly

  1. Check that the plugin is working correctly by generating some $page_load, Added To Cart, and Started Checkout events by visiting the store and seeing that these events arrive in the Source Log.

Event Spec

This integration auto-tracks the following events on the browser with all properties available according to the Converge Event Spec.

Event NameEvent DescriptionIntegration
PageViewWhen a customer views a page.Storefront
Viewed ProductWhen a customer views a product.Storefront
Added To CartWhen a customer adds an item to cartCheckout
Started CheckoutWhen a customer initiates the checkout process.Checkout