Converge supports tracking Checkout events on the Firmhouse Checkout.

Installation Instructions

The Converge Website installation for a Firmhouse Checkout consists of:


Create a new Client Source in Converge

  1. In Converge, click on Create a new source
  2. Pick Client-side from the modal
  3. Name your pixel: e.g. {Storename} Firmhouse Checkout
  4. Click on your newly created source and copy your public token per the screenshot below:


Create your Storefront token

  1. Navigate to your Firmhouse Dashboard
  2. Click on Integrations in the side panel
  3. Click on Generate new token, choose No expiration and choose Storefront as your Access Type, click on Create project access token.
  4. Copy the token you just created, you will need it later.

Set up website tracking for your Firmhouse checkout

  1. Click on Checkout > Preferences.

  2. Copy the following script in the Body, paste it above other scripts that might be already there.

  3. Replace the {YOUR-PUBLIC-TOKEN} with the public token you retrieved in step 4.

  4. Replace the {YOUR-STOREFRONT-TOKEN} with the API token you retrieved in step 7.

  5. Click on Update project

Event Spec

This integration auto-tracks the following events on the browser with all properties available according to the Converge Event Spec.

Event NameEvent Description
PageViewWhen a customer views a page.
Started CheckoutWhen a customer initiates the checkout process.
Added Payment InfoWhen a customer adds their payment info.