
Connection Type:


Installation Instructions

  1. In Converge, click the Create new connection button from the Connections page. Give your connection an appropriate name and choose the Snapchat App.

  2. Navigate to your Snapchat Ads > Events Manager (under assets).

  3. From your Events Manager, click on the Snapchat Pixel you would like to connect or create a new one through ‘New Event Source’.

  4. Under the name of the pixel, you can find the ID, and copy it in the pixel ID field in the Converge connection configuration.

  5. Fetch the access token for the conversions API. Go to the business dashboard > Business details > Conversions API tokens. Click the ‘Generate Token’ button and copy the new token into the Conversions API Token field of the Converge connection configuration.

  6. In the Converge connection configuration, enter the main URL of your website. Be sure to include the https:// prefix as well.

  7. Under the Advanced tab you can configure the content ID to identify your products and set up any custom events.

  8. Click on Create Connection

Once you have installed your Converge Connection, you should pause or remove all existing Snapchat tracking. Leaving these on will lead to duplicate tracking. Check the Turn off your old tracking setup guide for additional instructions.

Converge functionality

This integration supports the following Converge connection functionality.

Converge FeatureSupported
Custom Events
Server-side Conversions
Snapchat does not support multiple pixels on the same website. Installing multiple Snapchat connections will lead to duplicate tracking.

Event Mapping

Converge automatically maps the following events from the Converge Event Spec to the Snapchat spec.

Converge Event NameSnapchat Event Name
Viewed ProductVIEW_CONTENT
Viewed CollectionLIST_VIEW
Added To CartADD_CART
Started CheckoutSTART_CHECKOUT
Added Payment InfoADD_BILLING
Placed OrderPURCHASE
Started SubscriptionSUBSCRIBE

You can only configure up to 5 custom events for Snapchat. These events must be named CUSTOM_EVENT_1 through CUSTOM_EVENT_5.